BRENCHLEY 1651, 1800
DOVER 1756
FAVERSHAM 1664, 1733
LYMINGE 1648, 1563, 1663, 1667, 1671, 1217
TILMANSTONE 1731, 1804, 1816, 1824

In the name of God etc.... Dated 28th August 1651.... I Stephen Pearson of Brenchley, in the county of Kent, clothier.....will and give to poor people of the parish of Brenchley £5... to be distributed by my executrix at my burial or within a short time thereafter. I will and give to Mary Amherst my now servant and my wife’s kinswoman, if she shall continue in my service and be in my family at the time of my death, £100, to be paid within 6 months after my decease. I will and give to every of the children of my sister Dorothy Fferrall that shall live to attain the age of 21 years 40/- a piece, when they attain the age of 21 years. I will and give to four younger children of Mary Tasker my sister £10 a piece, when they attain the age of 21 years...I will and give to sister Huggens £5 within one year. I will and give to Anne my loving wife £200 and also one ½ of my brasse, pewter, bedding, linen and other household stuff, and also one ½ of my wood and fuel lying in and about the house.... to be delivered to her within a short time after my decease. The other half of brasse etc. I give to my daughter Anne, but if my daughter dies unmarried, then.... this bequest to my wife Anne. All other my goods, stock of wool and cloth, ready money, debts, corn, cattle and chattels whatsoever I give to Anne my only daughter and ordaine her sole executrix of this my last will.... I appoint my friend and neighbour Michael Hartredge of Pepingbury, clothier, to be overseer of this my last will and testament, and I give him over and above his charges £40.

An inventory of the Chattells and Effects of John Mitchel of Brenchley, in the county of Kent, valued from the said John Mitchel to his brother Richard Mitchel of the parish and county aforesaid as follows:
All the Hop-poles in the hop garden, wheat upon the ground, att the folder straw and stable, four hop bins, seven poles, 4 bin clothes, 1 flail, 2 spinds, 1 hop Pitcher, 1 Top Axe, a set of weights and scales, 1 mattock, one seythe, 1 hop picher, 1 skid chain, 1 wheelbarrow, one pair Horse chains, 2 pair of Hamwoods, 1 coller, 1 pair quilers, 1 bit, 1 pair of Traces, 1 pair of Hop Harraving Chains, 1 hop Nidget, 1 single Harrow, 1 hop dog and bill, a quantity of Coke and Charcoal, 2 cust haires, 15 sacks, 1 scoopet, 1 shaul, 4 sieces, 1 hop basket, 3 forks, 1 fire shovel and hoe, one bagging hoop, 1 grindstone, all the manure.... ALL which said Articles stand valued at the sum of £64/13/4 as valued this 12th December 1800 by us
Gervace Gerver and Ambrose Whibley.

BRIDGE - 1864
Indenture dated 28th January 1864 BETWEEN Thomas Morland, formerly of Croydon, but now of Reigate, in the county of Surrey, esquire, and Conrad Wilkinson of Beckenham, in the county of Kent, hereinafter called the vendors, and James Austin of Bridge, in the county of Kent, butler, who was married to his present wife in 1852, and is hereinafter called the purchaser... WITNESSETH that in consideration of £25 the vendors do hereby grant and covenant unto the purchaser ALL that piece of land situate in the parish of Bridge, and on the south side of and adjacent to a road there called Filmer Road, the boundary whereof starting from the north east corner (which is distant from Deering Road about 88’ 6”) runs west next Filmer Road about 37’ 6”, and then south next to land belonging to the vendors about 91’, and then east next lands now or lately belonging to Zebulun Vinson and George Fryer respectively about 37’ 11”, and then north next land now or lately belonging to Job Lawrence, and land before belonging to the vendors respectively, and back to the starting point about 95’, and which land is part of an estate which was offered for sale to the members of the National Freehold London Society in 1853 in 30 lots.... TO BE HELD by the purchaser and his heirs (subject to a deed dated 21st March 1853 whereby the vendors and other persons entered into a certain mutual covenants affecting the land) and which deed poll is to be executed by the purchase in respect of the land hereby conveyed to the use of the purchaser and his heirs forever.
20th March 1799
Certificate of a contract for redemption of Land Tax by Edward Taylor No 9532.
9th April 1836
Release between Margaret Kingsland of the first part, William Dutnall of the second part and Charles Davies of the third part
4th October 1836
Indenture between William Dutnall of the first part, Frederick Rowtun of the second part and the vendors of the third part.
21st March 1853
Deed poll above mentioned.
Signed: Thomas Morland and Conrad Wilkinson
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: A S Williams, clerk to Messrs Russell and Davies, 59 Coleman Street, London.

Indenture dated 15th September 1701 BETWEEN Henry Barton of the town of Folkestone, in the county of Kent, gentleman, of the one part, and John Parker of Brookland, in the county of Kent, butcher, of the other part.... WITNESSETH that the said Henry Barton in consideration of the payment of an annual rent and performance of covenants hereinafter reserved.... HATH demised... and to farm let unto the said John Parker.... ALL that his messuage or tenement, barn, garden, etc and several closes of fresh marsh land, ie one close of pasture land called the house field, containing by estimation 1 acre 3 yards and 7 perches, one close of pasture land called the four acre peice, containing by estimation 4 acres, 2 yards, a small piece of pasture land thereunto adjoining called the hempspott, containing 1 yard and 32 perches, and one close of pasture land called May’s acre, containing one acre 1 yard and 31 perches, and one piece of arable land called hook acre, containing 1 acre 1 yard and 25 perches, which said messuage etc.. are now in the occupation of Richard Baker or his Assigns.... AND also one piece of pasture land called the upper floats, containing by estimation2 acres and 33 perches, and one close of pasture called the freebody five acres, containing 5 acres 2 yards and 33 perches, and one close of pasture called the freebody four acres, containing 3 acres 2 yards and 32 perches, which said last mentioned lands are now in the occupation of Thomas White, or his assigns.... AND also all that close of pasture land called Dodds Barne three acres, containing 2 acres, 3 yards and 14 perches, which is now in the occupation of John Inge or his assigns, which lands contain in the whole 25 acres 1 yard and 27 perches and are situated in the parish of Brookland (except all manner of Elm and Ashen trees with the tops and lops thereof and all manner of pollards now standing etc).... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said messuage etc.... from the feast day of St Michael the archangel next for the term of 7 years... YIELDING AND PAYING therefore yearly £30.
Signed John Parker
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, bearing the impression of a device incorporating a heart, surmounted by an eye with teardrops falling from it, ca 1 ¾ “ dia.
The witnesses, who are named on the dorse, are: Jo Wellard and Jacob Wraight.

DOVER - 1756
Indenture dated 21st September 1756 BETWEEN Charles Gould of Little Ealing, in the county of Middlesex, esquire, eldest son and sole executor of King Gould, late of Little Ealing, esquire, deceased, of the one part, and John Saure of the town and port of Dover, in the county of Kent, gentleman, of the other part..... WHEREAS by indenture dated 20th June 1750 between the honourable warden and assistants of the harbour of Dover of the one part, and the said King Gould of the parish of St James, in the county of Middlesex, esquire, of the other part.. the warden etc.... DID to farm let to the said King Gould ALL that messuage, with grounds and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate lying and being in the town and port of Dover and in a certain street at the pier there called strond street, bounding to and fronting the said street towards the southeast, and containing on that side 18’ and ¼ , to the land of John Molland and the lane towards the southwest, and containing on that side with the angle 77’, to Lime Kiln lane towards the northwest, and containing on that side with the angle 57’ 7”, and to the land of Thomas Brown towards the northeast, and containing on that side with the angle 68 ½ ‘..... TO HOLD the said messuage from the feast of St Michael the Archangel 1752 for the term of 21 years... at a yearly rent of 11/-.... AND WHICH the said Charles Gould hath contracted with the said John Saure for absolute purchase... for the sum of £130... and the said Charles Gould HATH granted, bargained, sold and set over... all the aforesaid.... for the residue of the term...
Signed : Charles Gould
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, bearing the impression of a chevron with three cross crosslets, 3 roses.
John Saure. His seal bears the impression of the bust of a man, with long flowing hair wearing a large hat.
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: Thomas Cobcroft and Charles Morgan

Indenture dated 4th April 1826 BETWEEN Thomas Papillon of Acrise Place, in the parish of Acrise, in the county of Kent, esquire, of the one part, and Elizabeth Papillon of Chawtun in the parish of Alton, in the county of Hampshire, of the other part... WHEREAS David Papillon of Acrise Place, deceased, the late father of the said Thomas Papillon and Elizabeth Papillon, in and by his last will and testament dated 9th September 1800..... gave and devised unto the said Thomas Papillon his heirs and assigns certain pieces or parcels of marsh land .... in Romney Marsh and in or near the parish of Burmarsh, and in the will particularly described, to hold unto the said Thomas Papillon ..... charged nevertheless with the principal sum of £3000..... unto his daughter Elizabeth Papillon, together with interest thereon from the day of his decease at the rate of £4/10/0 per annum.... AND which sum of £3000 has not been paid to the said Elizabeth Papillon and the said Thomas having entered into a covenant for the sale of the hereditaments... NOW THIS INDETURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of £3000 and interest to Thomas Papillon paid by Elizabeth Papillon and in consideration of 10/-... the said Thomas HATH granted, bargained, sold and demised unto the said Elizabeth Papillon.... ALL THOSE two pieces or parcels of fresh marsh land, containing by estimation 32 acres and ½ lying in the parishes of Eastbridge, Burmarsh, Ongarswick and Newchurch.... within the liberties of Romney Marsh, in the county of Kent..... formerly in the tenure of William Symonds, afterwards of Augustine Greenland, since of Thomas Gillot and Robert Steed, and afterwards of William Tournay, gentleman ,and since of William Lott, and now or late in the tenure or occupation of William Austen and John Back..... AND ALSO all those grounds or marshes lands etc commonly called arminards (?), containing by estametion 60 acres, lying and being in the parishes of Eastbridge and Burmarsh, in the tenure or occupation of William Austen and John Back..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Elizabeth Papillon ..... subject to a proviso for redemption of £3000 with £4/10/0 interest payable on 4th October next.....
Signed: Thomas Paillon.
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, ca ¾ “ x ½ “ , bearing the impression of a bird statant, against a background of flowers, on a wreath.

Bargain and sale with feofment by Martha Sherren of the city of Rochester, in the county of Kent, spinster, in consideration of £18 to Thomas Tilbee of Faversham, carpenter... of ALL that one messuage or tenement, one garden..... in length 3 score and 1 foot of assize as it is now enclosed... together with the moiety of one half part of a well, late standing and belonging to a messuage heretofore of Thomas Pierce, but now the messuage of one John Baker, situated and being within the Town and Liberty of Faversham in a certain street there called weststreete on the south side of the same street, abutting to the said street towards the west and north, to the lands of the heirs of John Castlocke, gentleman, deceased, towards the south, and to the land and tenement sometimes of the aforesaid Thomas Pierce, now of John Baker towards the east and west, and now in the tenure of Susan Loyle, widow... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid premises.....unto the said Thomas Tilbee his heirs and assigns forever.....
Dated 3rd November 1664
Signed: Martha Sherren.
Sealed, a paper on wax seal, red, on a tag, ca 1 ½ “ x 1 ¼ “, bearing the fine impression of a bird statant facing the left, within a plaited border.

Indenture dated 8th March 1733 BETWEEN John Pawson of the city of Canterbury, barber and perriwigmaker and Luke Pawson of the said city, carpenter (which said John and Luke are the sons and heirs of Luke Pawson, late of Ashford, in the county of Kent, joiner, deceased, and Mary his wife, also deceased) of the one part, and Mathew Browning of the said city of Canterbury, carpenter of the other part.... WITNESSETH that for the barring of estates tail of and in a messuage etc..... hereinafter mentioned..... it is covenanted that the said John and Luke Pawson shall and will within 6 months hereof..... acknowledge and levy unto the said Mathew Browning a fine etc..... to those two messuages under one roof or covert and formerly were but one house..... and all the stables, edifices, outhouses etc..... and also of all that 1 acre of land, formerly pasture, but now converted to a garden or gardens..... situated and being in the town of Faversham..... in a street there called West Street..... and whereof one of the said messuages..... is now in the possession or occupation of William Stronts..... and the other of ----- (sic), one moiety to the use and behoof of Luke Pawson, the other to the use and behoof of John Pawson.
Signed: Joh Pawson.
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, ca 1 cm dia, bearing the impression of a device incorporating a heart, pierced by an arrow, with a crest of an arm raised.
Luke Pawson.
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, ca 1 cm dia, bearing the impression of a beast, possibly a horse, standing on its hind legs.
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: Jane Pearson and George Hammond.

Indenture dated 18th December 28 Charles II (1676) BETWEEN John Simmons of the parish of Northbourne in the county of Kent, yeoman, of the one part, and Susan Simmons of the said parish, widow and relict of John Simmons, late of Northbourne, yeoman, deceased, and mother of the said John Simmons party hereto..... WITNESSETH that the said John Simmons for and in consideration of the release of dower of the said Susan Simmons of the messuage hereinafter mentioned, late the messuage of the said John Simmons the father... the said John Simmons HATH given granted bargained and sold unto the said Susan Simmons one annuity or yearly rent charge of £4... to be issuing out of all that messuage or tenement, barn, stable, yard, garden and one piece of arable land to the yard adjoining, containing by estimation 3 acres and 22 perches, situated in the said parish of Northbourne at or near a certain place there called Finglehsam Street.....to the said street there toward the southwest, and to the lands of the heirs of Thomas Brett towards the northeast... AND of and in ALL that piece or parcel of arable land containing by estimation 5 rods lying and being in the parish of Northbourne near Finglesham Street..... to the King’s highway there towards the southwest, and to lands of Stephen Holman towards the northwest, and also ALL those 3 acres and 1 rod land of brooke land, lying and being in the said parish of Northbourne near Finglesham Street..... all which said premises were amongst other lands of the said John Simmons the father heretofore purchased of John Kingsford and Daniel Kingsford... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD yearly the said annuity of £4 unto the said Susan Simmons and her assigns.
Signed: Susan Simmons.
The witnesses are: John Verrier and Hugh Russell.

TO ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE..... Robert Simmons of the parish of Northbourne, in the county of Kent, yeoman, and Francis Simmons of the parish of Barham, yeoman, two of the sons of John Simmons, late of Northbourne, yeoman, deceased, send greetings..... KNOW YE that the said Robert and Francis Simmons, as well as for settlement of the messuages and lands whereof the said John Simmons died seised, according to an agreement formerly made for that purpose, as for diverse other good causes and considerations..... HAVE granted, released and confirmed... unto the John Simmons of the parish of Preston next Faversham, yeoman, one other son of the said John Simmons, deceased (in his full and peaceful possession and seisin)..... TO THE SOLE and only use and behoof of the said John Simmons the son, his heirs and assigns foerever..... to ALL their estate right and title..... to ALL that messuage or tenement, barn, stable, garden etc and one piece of arable land containing by estimation 3 acres 20 perches of land lying and being at Finglesham in the said parish of Northbourne..... AND..... all that piece of arable land containing by estimation 5 rods lying and being at Finglesham..... AND ..... of all those 2 acres and 1 rod of Brook or marsh land near Faversham in the parish of Northbourne, all which said premises were heretofore purchased by the said John Simmons the father, amongst other lands, of John Kingsford and Daniel Kingsford..... all which said premises are conveyed to the said John Simmons the son by the said Richard Simmons and Francis Simmons for his part of all and singular the messuages etc whereof the said John Simmons the father died seised (as by settlement dated 10th December 1676 doth appear).
Dated 20th December 1695.
Signed: Robert Simmons Francis Simmons
The witnesses are: Thomas Dicke Jo Hawker junior.

Indenture dated 15th February 1705 BETWEEN Richard Bradford of the Town and Port of Sandwich in the county of Kent, bricklayer, and Susan his wife, Isabella Wright of Sandwich, widow, Jonathan Wagstaffe of Sandwich, labourer, and Alice his wife, Richard Gray of Ash next Sandwich, labourer, and Mary his wife, and Anne Castle of Wingham spinster of the one part, and Sarah Bradford, spinster, of the other part..... WITNESSETH that the said Richard Bradford et al for and in consideration of 5/- HAVE BARGAINED AND SOLD UNTO THE SAID Sarah Bradford..... ALL that piece or parcel of land arable and pasture, containing by estimation 1 acre in Great Mongeham, in the county of Kent, abutting to the Queen’s highway there towards the east, to the lands of ----- Shrubsole there towards the west, and to lands of ----- Stanley towards the north and south... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the term of one whole year.....
Signed: Richard Bradford
Sealed with a seal in red wax, ca 1 ½ “ dia, bearing the impression of a bird facing the left with wings raised.
Susan Bradford, her sign ‘S’,
Sealed with a seal in red wax, ca 1 ½ “ dia, bearing the impression of a griffin rampant.
Isabella Wright, her sign ‘IW’.
Sealed with a seal ca 1` ½ “ dia, bearing the impression of a rose.
Joanathan Wagstaffe.
Sealed with a seal, ca 1 ½ “ dia, bearing the impression of a crown.
Alice Wagstaffe.
Sealed with a seal, ca 1 ½ “ dia, bearing the impression of a crest being a bird statant on a branch facing the left, with a frond either side.
Richard Gray.
Sealed with a seal bearing a heart pierced by two arrows, surmounted by a coronet
Mary Gray.
Sealed with a seal bearing the impression of a double rose with five arrows emanating from it.
Ann Castle.
Sealed with a seal bearing the impression of a lion rampant.
The witnesses, whose names are given on the dorse, are: William Cappies (?), John Sawkings and John Sawkins junior.

Indenture dated 3rd December 1730 BETWEEN John Danton the younger of the parish of Great Mongeham, in the county of Kent, cordwainer, of the one part, and Richard Prett of the parish of Eastry, in the county of Kent, of the other part... WTINESSETH that the said John Danton in consideration of £50..... HATH bargained, sold, demised, granted and to farm letten..... unto the said Richard Prett..... ALL that messuage or tenement and buildings, together with all and singular the lands arable and pasture to the same belonging or near adjoining, containing in the whole by estimation 1 acre, situate lying and being in the parish of Great Mongeham, abutting to the King’s highway there towards the east, to the land of ----- Shrubsole there towards the west and to the lands of Stephen Stanly there towards the north and south..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD from the day before the date hereof for the term of 500 years..... sunject to a proviso for redemption of £51/5/0 payable on 4TH June next.
Signed: John Danton junior
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, bearing the impression of a heart, pierced by two arrows, and surmounted by a coronet.
The witnesses are: Thomas Smith and John Paramor.

HADLOW - 1694
Indenture Tripartite made 27th April 1694 BETWEEN Jeffry Amherst of Fishall in the parish of Hadlow in the county of Kent, gentleman, of the first part, Richard Holford of Lincoln’s Inn in the county of Middlesex, esquire, one of the Masters in Chancery of the second part, John Fraunce of Pencehurst in the county of KLent, gentleman, and John Thorpe of the same place, gentleman, of the third part..... WHEREAS by indenture dated 5th March 1691 made between the said Jeffry Amherst of the one part and the said Richard Holford of the other part... the said Jeffry Amherst in consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain and sell and demise unto the said Richard Holford..... ALL that the mansion of Hadlow ..... with all its rights, members and appurtenances and all court leets, court barons, profits and perquisites of the court..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said manor... for the term of 1000 years from then next ensuing.... under the yearly rent of one pepper corn, if lawfully demanded..... subject nevertheless to the proviso of redemption on payment of £212..... WHICH said principal sum nor any interest for the same was paid on the days in the proviso..... nor is yet paid..... NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of £225/13/4 to him the said Richard Holford paid..... by the said John Fraunce and also in consideration of 5/- a piece to Richard Holford and Jeffry Amherst..... HE the said Richard Holford (at the request of Jeffry Amherst.....) HATH assigned transferred and sett over..... unto the said John Thorpe..... the said manor of Hadlow..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ..... for the residue of the said term of 1000 years.....
Signed: Jeffry Amherst Richard Holford
The witnesses, whose names are given on the dorse, are Thomas Fuller, George Hooper and Thomay Conny.

LYMINGE - 1648
Indenture dated 25th January 1648 BETWEEN Simon Head of Lyminge in the county of Kent, yeoman, of the one part and William Rigden of Lyminge, yeoman, of the other part..... WITNESSETH that the said William Rigden..... at the request of Simon..... stands jointly and severally bound together with Simon to Elizabeth Jenkin of Stowtinge in the county of Kent in one obligation of £100 for the payment of £54..... AND FURTHER WITNESSETH by these presents that for the discharge..... of the said William Rigden.... from all suits, charges etc which may happen..... against him..... HE the said Simon by these presents grants, bargains, sells, demises and to farm letts unto the said William, his heirs and assigns 2 pieces of land containing in the whole by estimation 10 acres, lying and being in Lyminge, whereof one piece is commonly called Sleades, containing by estimation 6 acres, and the other parcel lies in a field commonly called westfield and contains 4 acres... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the two pieces of land from the feast day of the annunciation of our Blessed Virgin Mary..... for the full end and term of 4 score and 19 years... YIELDING AND PAYING yearly one pepper corn if lawfully demanded.
Signed: Simon Head
The witnesses are: Edward Hogben, John Hogben.

LYMINGE - 1653
Indenture dated 3rd August 1653 BETWEEN Richard Woollet of Elham, in the county of Kent, the elder, gentleman, of the one part, and Andrew Smitheatt of Lyminge, yeoman, of the other part..... WHEREAS Simon Head of Lyminge, yeoman, by indenture dated 25th January 1648 did for the consideration therein expressed grant bargain sell demise..... and to farm let unto William Rigden of Lyminge, yeoman..... two pieces of land, containing in the whole by estimation 10 acres..... whereof one piece is called sleades and the other Westfield, and is lately fenced in.....TO HAVE and to hold to the said William Rigden..... AND WHEREAS the said William Rigden by indenture dated 18th November 1649 for the consideration therein expressed set over to Richard Woollett the said two pieces of land..... NOW THIS INDENTURE witnesseth that the said Richard Woollett in consideration of three score £ and 10/- HATH GRANTED bargained, sold, demised, assigned and set over to the said Andrew Smitheatt..... the said two parcels of land... TO HAVE and to hold for the residue of the said term.
Signed: Richard Woollett.
The witnesses are: William Brockman, John Hogben and Edward Hogben.

LYMINGE - 1663
Indenture dated 29th April 15 Charles II (1663) BETWEEN William Rigden of Lyminge in the county of Kent, yeoman, Thomas Rigden and Henry Rigden, sons of him the said William Rigden, of the one part, and William Allen of the city of Canterbury, gentleman, of the other part..... WITNESSETH..... so that £200 may be raised and paid out of the rents, issues and profits of a messuage or tenement, buildings, lands and hereditaments hereinafter mentioned..... and that the messuage etc. may stand settled to several uses hereinafter mentioned..... IT IS mutually covenanted, granted, concluded etc. between the said parties..... that they the said William, Thomas and Henry Rigden shall before the end of Easter Term next acknowledge one fine..... to one messuage, one barn, one orchard, one stable, one garden, and all lands arable, pasture, meadow and wood to the same belonging..... containing by estimation 140 acres..... situate, lying and being in the parish of Lyminge and in the parish of Newington next Hythe in the county of Kent..... and common of pasture in Lyminge... to the use of William Rigden and his assigns for the term of his natural life..... and after his decease to the use of any persons..... that the said William Rigden in his lifetime shall appoint in and by his last will and testament..... and the said sum of £200 be fully paid ..... then to the use of Thomas Rigden, his heirs and assigns forever.
Signed: Wiliam Rigden Thomas Rigden Henry Rigden.
The witnesses are named on the dorse: Peter Arnott, John Burton and John Fry.

Grant by William Rigden of Lyminge, in the county of Kent, yeoman, in consideration of the natural affection he has for his son Henry Rigden, as also in part of his portion which he has promised him, hath given him the full sum of £100..... to be paid unto him by his son Thomas Rigden of Lyminge within 3 months next after his decease out of the rents issues and profits of all that messuage and lands wherein the said Thomas now lives and which is settled on the said Thomas by deed dated 29th April 1663, upon condition he pay £200 to such persons as the said William should give and bestow the same to and in default of the said £100 being paid, authority is given to Henry to enter into the messuage and sell the same. Dated 23rd April 1667.
Signed: William Rigden.
The witnesses are Thomas Hamon and J Hogben.

LYMINGE - 1671
Know all men by these presents that we David Hogben of Itchinghill in Lyminge, in the county of Kent, yeoman, and Ann my now wife, daughter of William Rigden, late of Lyminge, yeoman, deceased, have received and had this day of Thomas Rigden, son of the said William Rigden, and executor of the last will and testament of the said William, the sum of £50..... which the said William in and by his last will and testament gave to the said Anne.
Dated 22nd February 24 Charles II (1671)
Signed: David Hogben Anne Hogben
Witnessed by: Richard Hobday and Robert Foster

LYMINGE - 1712
Indenture dated 18th October 1712 BETWEEN Edward Hogben of Eachinghill in the parish of Lyminge, in the county of Kent, yeoman, of the one part, and John Turner of the parish of Postling, in the county of Kent, clerk, of the other part..... WTINESSETH that the said Edward Hogben for and in consideration of £130..... HATH demised, granted, bargained and to farm letten unto the said John Turner..... ALL that his messuage or tenement, barn, stable and all other edifices etc..... thereto belonging, and also one orchard, one meadow, adjoining the said messuage, containing by estimation 2 acres, also 2 pieces of arable land called bettens, containing by estimation 13 acres, also one piece of arable land called shortford, containing by estimation 3 acres, and also one piece of arable land called leesland, containing by estimation 3 ½ acres..... all which said messuage etc. are situate, lying and being at or near Eachinghill in the said parish of Lyminge, and now in the tenure or occupation of the said Edward Hogben his heirs or assigns..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.. from the date hereof for the full term of 500 years..... YIELDING AND PAYING therefore yearly one pepper corn.. subject to a proviso for redemption on payment of £13/18/0 on 19th April next.....containing a covenant by Edward Hogben and Catherine his wife..
Signed: Edward Hogben.
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: Mary Gibson and W Gibson.

The manor of Nonnington:
To this court with a view of frankpledge of John Watkyns, clerk, deacon of the church of Cathis (?) in Hereford and prebendary of Nonnington held 23rd October 31 Elizabeth (1589). The court of John Gery, steward there.
To this court came Thomas Tompkins in his own person and surrendered into the hands of the lord 2 messuages and ½ virgate of land and 1? of customary land called Nasshey and Awlfolls in Nonnington aforesaid.... with the intention that the land be granted to his son Thomas and Alice his wife and John Tompkins, brother of the same Thomas. Fine 20/-
Signed: Jo Gery, steward there

Indenture dated 5th January 1852 BETWEEN Thomas Isaac Innis of Sandwich, in the county of Kent, schoolmaster, of the one part, and Richard Joynes Emmerson, of Sandwich, gentleman, of the other part.... WHEREAS by indenture dated 16th July 1851 between John Brockett of the first part, the Reverend Joseph Brockett of the second part, and the said Thomas Isaac Innis of the third part... the hereditaments therein described and intended to be assured were conveyed and assured unto the said Thomas Isaac Innis, his heirs and assigns... to the use of the said Thomas his heirs and assigns forever... AND WHICH said Thomas Innis hath requested the said Richard Emmerson to lend him the sum of £250... NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of £250 etc.... he the said Thomas Innis..... DOTH by these presents grant bargain and sell etc .... ALL THAT capital messuage or tenement with the schoolhouse erected near thereto, offices, gardens, yards etc (parts whereof were for many years used as a spirit warehouse and offices) thereto adjoining and being, situate lying and being in the parish of St Peter the Apostle in the town and port of Sandwich, in or near a certain street called King Street.....abutting to the said street called King Street towards the north east, to a messuage or brewhouse and premises of George Simmons and Henry Nethersole towards the south, to a certain street there called New Street towards the west, and to a messuage and premises of Thomas de Bock towards the north.... ALL which said premises were late in the occupation of Sarah Stone, afterwards of Joshua Robert William Lomas, and now of the said Thomas Innis.....TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.....forever, with a proviso for redemption of £250....
Signed: Thomas Isaac Innis
The witnesses are: Alfred Lass, clerk to Messrs Swirie and Emmerson, solicitor, Sandwich

Indenture dated 24th March 1740 BETWEEN Jagger Spillett of the town and port of Dover, in the county of Kent, carpenter of the first part, and Anne Rogers of the parish of Guston, in the same county, widow, of the other part.... WITNESSETH that in consideration of £60.... the said Jagger Spillett.... HATH demised, granted, bargained and sold ALL that new built messuage, now in three tenements, with buildings, gardens, yards.... thereunto belonging, situate, lying and being in the parish of St Margaret-at-Cliffe at or near there, and now or late in the several tenures or occupations of Thomas Pepper, ------- (sic), which said ground on which the messuage stands Jagger Spillett purchased of John Chitty, late of St Margaret-at-Cliffe, yeoman, since deceased.... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.... from the day next before the date hereof for the term of 500 years.... under a proviso for redemption of £61/10/0 payable at or upon 30th September next.
Signed: Jagger Spillett
Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, of irregular shape, bearing the impression of a lion rampant.
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: Sarah Arnold and James Spillett.
The deed is endorsed:
May 23 1741 Received of Jagger Spillett £3 being the full year’s interest due 30 March last past.
April 24 1742 ditto
Witnessed: Anne Rogers, Elizabeth Spillett and Sarah Arnold.
June 1 1743 ditto.
Witnessed: Ann Rogers, Elizabeth Spillett and Frances Spillett.
July 14 1744 ditto.
Witnessed: Ann Rogers and John Weston.
Sept 2 1745 ditto.
Witnessed Ann Rogers.
Sept 3 1747 £6 paid.
Witnessed: Thomas Elgar.
26 Nov 1748 of Mr Jagger Spillett £3.
Witnessed: Thomas Elgar.

Indenture dated 30th September 1768 BETWEEN Martha Jones of Chistlett, in the county of Kent, widow, executrix and devisee of and under the last will and testament of Thomas Jones, late of Chistlett, esquire, deceased, of the one part, and John Lane of Sittingbourne in the said county, surgeon, of the other part..... WHEREAS by indenture of Lease dated 1st May 1747 made between the said Thomas Jones of the one part, and the said John Lane of the other part, the said Thomas Jones did demise unto the said John Lane the messuage and premises hereinafter mentioned for a term of 21 years, commencing Lady Day next.... under the rents and covenants therein expressed, amongst which covenants there is contained a covenant on the part of the said Thomas Jones that he should upon request to him made by the said John Lane at the expiration of the said Lease seal and execute a new lease of the premises thereby demised to the said John Lane for a further term of 21 years under the dame rents, covenants and agreements as are therein expressed....AND WHEREAS the said Thomas Jones is since departed this life and the recited lease and term thereby granted did expire at old Lady Day last and the said John Lane hath requested of the said Martha Jones a further Lease to be granted to him in pursuance of such a covenant to which she has consented....NOW in pursuance and performance of the said recited covenant and of the rents ..... hereinafter reserved in the part of the said John Lane..... to be paid, done and performed, she said Martha Jones HATH demised set and to farm let..... unto the said John Lane ALL that messuage or tenement (now divided into and used as two tenements, one of which is now in the occupation of the said John Lane, and the other was heretofore in the occupation of Peter Reason, but late of Richard Glover), which said messuage so divided is and are situate and standing on the north side of the High Street of the town of Sittingbourne.... AND ALSO all that back tenement, late in the occupation of Abraham Watson, together with the stable, yard, garden and all other the appurtenances lying behind and which are now used with the first mentioned messuage, and in the occupation of John Lane.... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.... from the 5th April last past for and during 21 years.... YIELDING AND PAYUING.... yearly and every year unto the said Martha Jones.... the rent of £13 at the two usual days of payment, viz Old Michaelmas Day and Old Lady Day, by even portions.
Signed: John Lane.
The witnesses are: William Doe and Gib Hawker.

Indenture dated 18th October 1731 BETWEEN William Rickesies of the Town and Port of Sandwich, merchant, of the one part, and John Paramor of the parish of Eastry in the county of Kent, gentleman, of the other part....WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of 5/- he William Rickesies HATH granted bargained and sold.... ALL THAT messuage or tenement and all the barns, stables, edifices, buildings etc.... and several parcels of land arable and pasture, containing together by estimation 20 acres, situate, lying and being in Tilmanstone, in the tenure of occupation of Jane Pittock, widow, and William Pittock or one of them, and now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said William.... AND ALSO all those two messuages or tenements and all other outhouses etc., two yards or backsides, two gardens, two orchards and a parcel of land to the said two messuages belonging, containing by estimation 2 acres, situate lying and being in Tilmanstone, heretofore in the tenure or occupation of Edward Carleton and William Dawkins, and now or late in the several tenures or occupations of Austen Knight and Henry Parker.... AND ALSO all that messuage or mansion house, barn, stable, garden, orchard, yard, backside, outhouses, etc and one piece of pasture and orchard, now or heretofore in two parcels divided.... called Court Side Close, containing by estimation 1½ acres of land, lying and being in the parish of Tilmanstone.... AND ALSO ALL that piece of arable land containing by estimation 1½ acres of land called le Dane, lying and being in the parish of Tilmanstone, which last mentioned messuage etc were formerly in the tenure or occupation of Richard Bryant or his assigns, and are now or late in the tenure or occupation of George Hills.... AND ALSO all other the lands and hereditaments of him the said William Rickesies in Tilmanstone.... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the term of one whole year....
Signed: William Rickesies
Attached to the seal fold is a seal bearing a bust facing the right with the legend: Frederick P Walys
The witnesses, who are named on the dorse, are: Benjamin Shrubsole, John Richardson and John Hayward junior.

Indenture dated 5th October 1804 BETWEEN Charles Crickett of the town and port of Deal, in the county of Kent, carpenter, of the one part, and James Wyborn of the parish of Sholden, in the county of Kent, esquire, of the other part.. WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of 5/- the said James Wyborn HATH bargained and sold unto the said Charles Crickett ALL that messuage or tenement with the barn, stables etc.... AND also all that piece of land called soles close, containing by estimation 2 acres, situate lying and being in the parish of Tilmanstone, formerly in the tenure or occupation of George Pottock, and afterwards of William Lawrence, since of Nicholas Pilcher, since then of John Marsh, and late of Bartholemew Spain the younger, and now or late of William Bartter....TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the full term of one year....
Signed: Charles Cricket. Attached to the seal fold is a seal, in red wax, ca 1¼ “ x 2 “, bearing the impression of a monogram ‘C C’.
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: John Mary (?) and W R Mundage.
Also a paper copy of a fine, Hilary Term, 1805. Roll 107. 50/- Kent
Between James Wyborn esquire and Charles Crickett and Susanna his wife, and Edward Cornish and Mary Ann his wife def of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable and curtilage and garden, one orchard and 3 acres land AND of the moiety of 6 messuages, 1 toft, 3 shops, 6 curtilages, 6 stables, 6 gardens and 2 acres land in the parishes of Tilmanstone and St Peter the Apostle in the town and port of Sandwich. Entry examined 26th July 1837.

Indenture dated 14th May 1816 BETWEEN John Harrison of the town and port of Sandwich in the county of Kent, gentleman, Thomas Wood of the same place, gentleman, of the one part, and John Wood of Bramling parish of Ickham, in the county of Kent, esquire, a captain in HM Royal Navy of the other part.... WITNESSETH that for a in consideration of 5/- a piece.... THEY the said John Harrison and Thomas Wood.... HAVE bargained and sold.... ALL THAT messuage, tenement or farm house, commonly called New Purchase, with the barns, stables, outhouses etc. thereunto belonging.... AND ALSO ALL those several pieces of lands arable, meadow, pasture, wood and downe, to and with the said messuage and farm now or hitherto letten.... containing by a late admeasurement 233 acres 2 rods and 34 perches.... all which said premises, lands, tenements etc.... are situate lying and being in the parish of Tilmanstone in the county of Kent, and were heretofore in the tenure or occupation of George Falkner and Michael Wood, and late in the tenure or occupation of Simon Cock and now of the said John Harrison.... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.... for the term of one whole year....
Signed: John Harrison Thomas Wood
The witnesses are named on the dorse; They are W Noakes of Sandwich and William ? clerk to Mr Noakes

Indenture dated 14th September 1824 BETWEEN Edward Boys of Great George Street, Portman Square, in the county of Middlesex, Commander in the Royal Navy, of the firt part, Henry Boys of Mailmains in the parish of Waldersdhaw in the county of Kent, gentleman of the second part, and Edward Royds Rice of Dover in the said county of Kent, esquire, of the third part, and Edmund Robinson of Carey Street, Lincoln’s Inn, in the county of Middlesex, gentleman of the fourth part.... WHEREAS by indenture dated 10th January 1820 made between John Boys therein described, and Mary his wife of the one part, and the said Edward Boys and Henry Boys of the other part, for valuable consideration therein expressed, the piece or parcel of land and hereditaments expressed hereinafter granted and released, were appointed and assured by the said John Boys, pursuant to a power vested in him as therein recited, to the use of the said Edward and Henry Boys..... of the said Edward Boys forever, nevertheless as to an estate and interest of Henry Boys therein in trust for sole benefit..... AND WHEREAS the said Edward Royds Rice has contracted with Edward Boys for the absolute purchase of a piece or parcel of land for £250..... NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that in consideration of £250 to Edward and 10/0 to Henry..... they HAVE granted, bargained, sold, released etc... ALL that piece or parcel of land or larch plantation situate in Tilmanstone, in the county of Kent, containing by estimation 4 acres 34 perches, bounded on the north and west by lands of the Earl of Gulldford, on the south by the King’s highway leading from Tilmanstone to Northbourne, and on the east in part by land belonging to the said Edward Royds Rice, purchased by him of the said John Boys and in other parts by land belonging to the trustees of Dover Harbour, and which is now in the tenure or occupation of Henry Boys..... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD..... foerever.
Signed: Edward Boys Henry Boys Edward Royds Rice
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: John Boys, Christian Edward Dampier, clerk to Mr Robinson, 1 Carey Street, Lincoln’s Inn, Ann Carlton, Edward Fowle, clerk to William Boys of Margate

Indenture dated 9th March 1656 BETWEEN Walter Waller of Grayes Inn, in the county of Middlesex, esquire, son and heir apparent of Sir Hardres Waller, knight, Sir Edmund Bowyer of Camberwell, in the county of Surrey, knight, Richard Hardres of Great Hardres, in the county of Kent and Thomas Hardres of the city of Canterbury esquire (which said Sir Edward Bowyer, Richard Hardres and Thomas Hardres are persons entrusted by the said Sir Hardres Waller to sell and dispose of the manor and premises hereinafter mentioned to be demised for the use and behoof of him the said Sir Hardres) of the one part and Robert Johnson of London, esquire, of the other part.... WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of £1000 paid to Walter Waller by the said Robert Johnson.... and of the sum of 5/- paid to Sir Edmund Bowyer, Richard Hardres and Thomas Hardres.... they do by these presents bargain and sell unto Robert Johnson ALL that manor of Whitfield otherwise Beanefield and little Pising, in the county of Kent, and all that messuage, syte or manor house belonging to the same called Whitefield Court and all lands in Beansfield, River, Waldershare, Lidden and Guston, in the county of Kent.... TO HAVE AND TO HOLD.... unto the said Robert Johnson.... for the full term of 500 years.... YIELDING and paying therefore yearly one pepper corn....with a proviso for redemption....if at the dwelling house of Robert Johnson in the parish of St Michael Bassishaw, in London, the full sum of £1060 be paid, ie £39 on 11th September next, and £1030 on 11th March 1657, then this deed to be void....
Signed: Wa Waller Edm Bowyer Ri Hardres and Tho Hardres
The witnesses are named on the dorse. They are: John Cogan, William Beane, Mark Pope, William Spice, Roger James, Robert Bowes and William Daynes, scibe.